The colors will invade everything - including your eyelashes! In recent months, the colorful makes have gained more and more space in our day-to-day and for a long time are no longer synonymous with Carnival, but the truth is that productions can go far beyond the shadows and the delineated differences. The cool thing about colorful eyelash masks is that they have the power to transform everything!
Of course, a monochrome eye will get too much, but the product makes you even more free to be able to bet on creations with color mix: everything we love! The important thing is to let creativity loose and to inspire you, we separate some makes that have left our hearts beating faster. Heheh!
Maga bet on a blue smoky eye with a mixture of various shades, notice? When it came time to add the eyelash mask, she added the purple color in the production that gave a whole charm to more! In the waterline, close to the lower lashes, the influencer used a lighter pencil that helped open the look. It's cool, isn't it?

This delineated black kitten was so much more fun with the yellow eyelashes! This color combination is a sure bet!

If you prefer something less flashy and different, you can use only the colored eyelashes. This roxinho is not so far from black, because it is darker, but at the same time it is perfect to cause!

This mix of sparkles and textures is just "everything" for us! The style glossy pump too much and you can get that result with the very gloss of mouth, see? And we don't even have to say anything about the pink eyelashes, do we? We already want an end to this quarantine soon to be able to test! Rs.

How about this combination of eyelashes and green inner corner, huh?

Greener for you! The color is controversial, but worth testing!

Are you crazy enough to swap your traditional black eyelash mask for a lot more fun? Don't forget to tell us which color has already entered your wishlist!